Madang's Haus Tumbuna, lost in time
So I stepped into Madang's Visitors & Cultural Bureau last week, located opposite the Laiwaden Oval, home of the Tusbab Stallions of the National Soccer League fame', the oval that is..... The bureau though, it was as if I had stepped back into time- yet another iconic center laying close to forgotten. I had been here some 20years ago during the glory days of Madang's tourism rise and except for the obvious wear and tear, little else had changed. Spotting a new freshly colored paint job on the fence, it was a far contrast to the inside. Staff here say the provincial government has alluded to some refurbishing work assistance and they're all fingers crossed at this stage. But you can't compare the feeling of history and housing something special when you walk through it's old doors. The dimly lit room had enough light in it for visitors to get a sense of it's treasures- stone axe artifacts, grass skirts, wind pipes, garamut, traditional wood carving, memo...